Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Tribute to World Peace

Oh Lord, lead us from
Untruth to truth; from
Darkness to light, and from
Death to immortality.

The fruit of the struggle for world peace may not occur overnight,
We all know; but if all of us spread, in our little corner,
The good possibility of world peace through interreligious
Dialogue and harmony, then before long our objectives
Will begin to realize.

I wrote this piece more than 20 years ago. But the message seems to be relevant even to these days. Before we obtain world peace, we need to obtain peace in our mind - how we remain happy despite the worst situation.

1 comment:

Jampa Nyima said...

Surprisingly, I always recite this hymn when I walk on the street.

'Om! Asato ma sad gamaya
Tamaso ma joti gamaya
Mrto ma amrtam gamaya Om!'

'Peace' is universal. Though Dharma 'creates' people differently. We are different in faith, belief, culture, religion, but we all are seeking for peace 'Shanti', it is our ultimate goal.

When I first practiced reciting Amitabha or Avalokiteshvara for world peace, I felt so sad everytime I heard the news of war, crime, disaster, and accident. I questioned why my mantra didn't help. But now I realize that this is the way of samsara, and I'm not the first human reciting for world peace. The key is the peace in my own mind. Peace in the mind of each individual is peace of the world.