Saturday, August 18, 2007

Beyond description

It was only a week since we conceived of an idea of holding an exhibition on the stupa and the retreat center at the happiness conference. Champagne suggested that we present the stupa drawings and other photos on Tibet to others so that they can get a glimpse of the Tibetan world and happiness from retreat at Khadiravana. Areerat and I hesitated to move forwards, as we didn't have much time and we seem to overwork.

With Buddha's blessings, in the period of one week, many wonderful things happened. I got several sketches from the three architects, Lek, Glaang and Jun. The stupa drawer/painter Ek called to confirm me that he's been working on the water color drawing of the stupa and it would be done in time for the conference. Supachok, who disappeared for quite some time, emailed that he has sent me his drawing of the Tara temple. At home, Yontan stayed late at night drawing lovely sketches of what we should build at Khadiravana. The most recent addition is the underground Amitabha temple, which will be located at the stupa base.

We made many phone calls to Lhasray Rinpoche to update him and to ask him questions about the stupa and the statues to be housed inside it. Talking to him, I felt all the worries and tiredness go away. He said he would pray for the conference to be successful. I told him I wished he could come to Thailand in October. He didn't accept or refuse the invitation but said that we could keep in touch by phone till the auspicious time comes when he and his monks will arrive to bless the stupa hill.

On Wednesday, Prachum called to tell us good news that the second clear light stupa was finished. I had an urge to go to see it, to photo it for the exhibition. Worawanna came in just at the right time to drive me and Yontan there. Then on Thursday we got to meet Andy, who gave us valuable advice on our stupa project and how to present our work to the public. He helped with the press releases, which is an important step to tell the media why we need the stupa and why now.

This evening we all gathered at the hallway of the Mahachulalongkorn Buidling where the exhibition was to be held tomorrow. Our new friends Aun and Waen from Ashramsilpa were also there to help us display the posters. Soraj and philosophy students brought copies of the newsletters and the stupa document to distribute at the conference. Arthid arranged beautiful baskets of flowers to decorate the conference site. Parida and Worawanna took fund-raising t-shirts Teng kindly designed for us to be wrapped as gifts for the speakers. Yontan and Arthid were busy arranging conference and offering tables. Areerat was still taking phonecalls. She said already 180 people signed up for the conference. Taan, our foundation's new assistant took care of the registration forms and helped out with whatever we asked her to do. Champagne brought in flower pots to decorate the site and supervised the overall work. Jick who helped so much earlier on the stupa brochure called as soon as she arrived in Thailand from Tibet. She said she wished she were here with us.

Finally, the great moment came. Lek, Glaang and Jun arrived at the hallway with the amazing stupa pictures and the master plan for Khadiravana. Arthid said he felt his tears around his eyes. Seeing these posters, I couldn't help feeling that the Tara Great Stupa and Khadiravana have already come into an existence, at least on the paper but most importantly in our heart...

Thank you so much to everyone who has made the exhibition and the conference happen!


Jampa Nyima said...

พระสถูปอยู่ที่ใด... ในความฝัน

โอม ตาเร ตุตตาเร ตุเร โซฮา
มือหลายมือ ใจหลายใจ ร่วมใจกัน
สองมือฉันกราบ “ใจ” นั้นด้วยหัวใจ

ด้วยจิตคารวะซาบซึ้งในความมุ่งมั่นตั้งใจ และความกรุณาอันยิ่งใหญ่ ของผู้ร่วมมือ ร่วมใจ ทุกๆ ท่าน

Krisadawan Hongladarom said...

่ไม่ว่าการทำงานนี้จะยาวนานเพียงไร ไม่ว่าจะยากลำบากเพียงไร พระสถูปได้อุบัติขึ้นแล้วกลางใจของเราทุกคน